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Aug 11
5 Tips How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

They say their smile is the best way to tell if someone has excellent oral health. While that may be true to a certain extent, the reality is that there’s more to impeccable dental health than just having a great smile. Different factors, such as gum health and the like, comprise the overall oral health […]

Aug 05
Oral Health Injuries in Sport

Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, so it’s imperative that we include it in our daily routine to make sure that our bodies and minds are healthy. That said, there are certain risks associated with playing sports, especially where your teeth are concerned. You could end up getting your teeth knocked out, […]

Jul 28
7 Tips to Enjoy Meals When You Have Dentures

We can’t always avoid dental problems. In some cases, getting dentures may even be your only option. However, many people complain that dentures make them uncomfortable when they eat. Dentures can cause pain and irritation when they are pressed against the gums, which is why a lot of people are reluctant to get them. If […]

Jul 18
choosing the dental filling option that’s best for you – what to know

One of the more common routines in dental care is treating a cavity, which is the area of decay in a tooth. The process includes a dentist cleaning out the affected part of the tooth, leaving a hole or space that needs to be filled to prevent bacteria from entering and causing further decay. The […]

Jun 23
professional teeth whitening (what to expect?)

Over time, our teeth will eventually lose their pearly white color and begin to yellow.  Many things can cause teeth discoloration. These include drinking too much coffee and smoking, among others.  If you want to whiten your teeth and be able to confidently smile again without feeling conscious about what people might think about your […]

Jun 08
what is an orthodontist and what they do – our guide

What is an Orthodontist? Orthodontist: a title that most people hear, but don’t really understand. “Do they fix your gums when you have gingivitis?” No, that’s a dentist. “Are they the ones that fix the nerves that have been annoying me when I eat?” Nope, still a dentist. “The ones who tell me to brush […]

May 30
how to get your teeth straightened

how to get your teeth straightened Humans pay attention to facial features more than anything, as that’s how our brains are designed to function.  We use another person’s facial queues as a way to determine whether they should be trusted or not. When you have an imperfect set of teeth, it will have an effect […]

May 20
why visit a dentist regularly?

Why Visiting a Dentist Regularly is Crucial for Your Overall Health When people talk about going to a dentist, they usually do so in the context of repairing the damage that has already been done such as tooth decay or broken teeth. Many never think of regular visits as essential, like the regular maintenance sessions […]

Apr 07
all you need to know about dental implants in 2023

Table of Contents Dental health is a crucial part of our well-being, it contributes greatly to how we consume food and how others perceive us, which will reflect on how we view ourselves as well. For this reason, it’s fair to conclude that the condition of your teeth will affect your level of confidence, which […]

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