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Premium monthly package

$9.99 for 1 month

Everything from the Free package and much more. Add your email, social profiles, photo gallery and even video. We will post about your listing on our social channels. Don’t forget to subscribe to our ‘advertisers only’ newsletter to receive discount codes and other incentives!



Everything from the Free package plus

  • Photo Gallery
  • Contact form
  • Your website address (aka backlink to your site)
  • Your social profiles
  • Upload a video to showcase your practice
  • Publish one of your guest posts on the dentadir blog
  • One post about your practice on our Facebook page
  • One post about your practice on our Instagram page
  • One video you provide about your practice on our YouTube channel
  • One tweet about your practice on our Twitter account
  • Discounted video creation (demo video)
  • Listing duration – 30 days

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